Solved Cases
Cleanroom paper
Yield improvement by processing STACLEAN (dust-free paper)
Industry: Lens processing manufacturer

Client's Problem

They used STACLEAN (dust-free paper) as a backing paper when inspecting lenses to check for scratches and dirt.
In order to improve the yield, they thought that it was necessary to suppress the reflection of light on the backing paper, so they consulted whether it was possible to process it into matte and black.
Proposed Product

STACLEAN (SC250 NBMS 300µm) printing process
There are six basic colors of STACLEAN: blue, pink, yellow, violet, green and white. This time, in order to meet the demand for matte and black colors, we proposed STACLEAN for special colors using offset printing. We also proposed to change the thickness to 300µm and improve handling.

Thing only Sakurai can do

With offset printing, dust generation from the ink itself is less than with toner methods (copiers, laser printers). Sakurai, who has many years of experience and expertise in processing methods, was able to propose this. If you allow the cost, we have an environment where we can custom process even from a small lot.